The completely unscripted five-minute audio play

Archive for 2010|Yearly archive page

Episode 8

In Episodes on May 17, 2010 at 10:57 pm

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As Vinny, Foster and the Goblin continue on their quest, strange things begin to occur in the night. Could the vampires be behind it?

Episode 7

In Episodes on May 4, 2010 at 9:55 pm

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After receiving pigs’ feet instead of a grand slam, Vinny complains to the manager of Denny’s. Meanwhile Brant attempts to ask Brandy to the prom.

Episode 6

In Episodes on April 13, 2010 at 5:50 am

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Length: 6:04

Foster, Vinny and the goblin stop at a local Denny’s to get a bite to eat, only to find a very strange waiter. Brant continues to struggle to become his true self in spite of opposition.

Episode 5

In Episodes on March 24, 2010 at 3:46 am

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Length: 5:13

Foster and Vinny set forth on their quest to find the goblin’s long-lost lover while Brant and Lance teach each other how to be jocks and nerds.

Episode 4

In Episodes on March 18, 2010 at 5:14 am

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Length: 4:11

The jocks and the nerds return a rescued puppy to Barry, the old sage. The tides turn, and friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Meanwhile Brant tries out for the football team while his girlfriend Jenny watches with admiration.

Episode 3

In Episodes on March 10, 2010 at 5:57 am

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Length: 4:52

Barry, the old sage, sends the jocks and the nerds on a perilous quest to save a puppy from a horrible goblin while Brant enjoys the new life of a jock.

Episode 2

In Episodes on March 1, 2010 at 11:42 pm

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Length: 3:27

Alec and Foster (the nerds) and Lance and Vinny (the jocks) are left to settle their differences when a mysterious stranger appears. Meanwhile Brant hits it up with the ladies.

Episode 1

In Episodes on February 26, 2010 at 1:49 am

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Length: 4:18

This is the first episode in a new series of approximately five-minute episodes starring Stephen Gashler, Teresa Gashler, Jon Fairbanks, Andrew Whittaker and guest stars: a completely unscripted, improvisational audio play. The episodes go through post production for basic trimming, sounds effects and music, but everything else is done completely on the spot. We had no idea who our characters were or what the story was about until we started recording. To keep the material fresh, Teresa had a computer on her lap with a random word generator and a random name generator.

Our first recording was done in the living room of Teresa’s grandmother’s house, where Andrew noticed a plaque hanging from the wall that read “Life is Fragile, Handle With Prayer”, and thus he recommended the name of the show.   In the spirit of improvisation, we kept with the first idea.

We’ll be releasing new episodes on a weekly basis on Mondays.  If you like what you hear, please refer a friend, and let us know what you think.